Mar 07
The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced the 2017 Benefit Payment Parameters, which includes Out-Of-Pocket Maximums limits for Non-Grandfathered Health Plans (PPO/non-QHDHP) for 2017. read more
Dec 21
In late December 2015, Congress passed new legislation that delayed the start of the Cadillac tax until 2020. read more
Oct 08
Healthcare reform requires self-funded group health plans to fund a Transitional Reinsurance Program from 2014 to 2016. The purpose of the program is to help offset the high medical costs of individuals enrolled in the non-grandfathered individual market. read more
Oct 08
Review of Employer Shared Responsibility (1095 or 6056/6066): Starting in 2016, all employers that are considered an applicable large employer ("ALE"), as defined by the IRS, must report specific employee population and health coverage information based on the prior calendar year. In addition to filing information with the IRS, self-funded ALEs also need to provide 1095-C and 1095-B forms (which can be on a single combined form) to all employees that are eligible for insurance coverage. This form identifies: read more
Mar 26
Starting in 2016, all employers that are considered an applicable large employer ("ALE"), as defined by the IRS, must report specific employee population and health coverage information based on the prior calendar year. Reporting is due by February 29, 2016 or March 31, 2016 (if filing electronically). Please visit to view and download a copy of the IRS 1094-C and 1095-C forms that must be filed as well as detailed instructions and indicator codes. read more