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May 22

Lindsay Harris

HMA Beat the Bridge - Round 3!

by Lindsay Harris

On Sunday May 21st, a team of HMA employees, family and friends participated in the 25th Annual Nordstrom Beat the Bridge race. Beat the Bridge is a fundraiser for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Fund (JDRF) – the leading global organization in the fight to find a cure for Type 1 Diabetes.  This is the 3rd time the HMA team has participated in this event. Our goal was to have everyone on the team cross the Seattle University Bridge before it was raised. We’re pleased to report that we achieved this goal!  We also increased our fundraising for JDRF this year by hosting a luncheon at HMA where we asked employees who attended to make a donation of $5 to $10. This event allowed a larger group of employees to contribute to the event and to fundraising!

To learn more about JDRF and the important work they do, visit their website:
